Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Autumn Willows

An afternoon visit to Nethergong last weekend in sunny conditions produced a few Willow Emerald Damselfly enjoying the sunshine and after finding a few likely candidates, I set about capturing a few images showing off their subtle autumnal colours. There were also still quite a few Migrant Hawkers flying around as well as Common Darters. Hopefully a few more visits over the next few weeks weather permitting to enjoy their final month or so before the season winds down. 

Willow Emerald Damselfly (Chalcolestes viridis) - male


  1. Such detail Marc, I am impressed. If only I could get shots thatgood of my foxes.

  2. Photographic perfection, Marc ! I suspect that my odonata season has now come to an end, but I'll keep looking if we get any fair weather. Best wishes - - - Richard

  3. More photographic excellence here again Marc. I think I might have to settle for just a few more Migrant Hawkers to find on these early October days. By the way, I've been getting a bit fed up looking for you, it's been over two months now. I'm not looking for answers here you understand Marc.


    1. Hi Pete and hope you are well. Lost my mojo a little with the dragonflies for a few months as I have been birding quite a bit but getting back into them now. Take care.
