Monday, 10 May 2021

My First Large Red Damselfly of the Year

It was nice this afternoon after checking the pond to find a newly emerged Large Red Damselfly resting up on some Grape Hyacinths. Although quite breezy but nice and sunny, I went inside to get the camera and then spent the next hour laying next to the pond taking a number of images. With a bit of gentle coaxing, I was able to move the damselfly to a slightly less cluttered area. Weather permitting, I shall be out and about a bit more now looking and photographing the dragonflies and damselflies that are local to me. This is the first year that I am running dragonfly tours on behalf of 'Naturetrek'. Three trips are planned for Grove Ferry with two trips at Nethergong and one at Sandwich Bay. Due to popular demand, more spaces have been added to the Grove Ferry trips and there are also a couple of spaces still available for the Nethergong trips. More information can be viewed at 

Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) - male


  1. Super images, as usual, Marc. I'm now somewhat jealous as I've had several forays out looking for my first odo of the year, but with absolutely no sign so far. No chance of me getting one on our large area of Grape Hyacinth it has almost all gone over now. Best wishes with those tours. Stay safe - - - Richard

    1. Many thanks Richard. I've been a bit slow this year and haven't been out no where near as much as I would have liked. It seems that when the weather is correct, I can't get out. Fingers crossed we get out more soon and have a catch up with the various species soon. Take care.

  2. I may be about to change directions with my birding. I plan on focusing more on the dragon/damselflies this year, though I haven't got off the mark with my first of the season yet. A pity I can't include a trip with you Marc, that would be great.



    1. That's great news Pete. I look forward to some of the species you see and photograph throughout the season. There's so much to learn but it's all very fascinating. Take care.

  3. Hello Marc.
    Sorry, I missed your post first time around. I have been very busy trying alternatives with my photography because of lockdown and I am having fun. Your photographs are well up to your usual standard and a joy to see. Stay safe.

    1. Good to hear from you Mike and that you are having some success with your cameras. I will take a look. Nice to see a Damselfly at last. Hoping to get some sessions in during the next few weeks. Take care.
