Sunday, 12 June 2022

Day of the Dainty

Having mentioned in my previous post, I spent a few hours photographing some of the Dainty Damselfly I encountered at Sandwich Bay last week. Most were seen away from the water maturing up in the meadow and as always, it was an education to get the eye in to identify their features. The next challenge was to try and get a few pleasing images and after many attempts at stalking them, I was soon winning the battle and ended up with some nice photos. As the name suggests, they certainly are dainty and small in size which make photography a challenge. It was pleasing to come across some mature males which once you got your eye in, could be picked out easily in flight. Back at the water there were quite a few probable teneral Dainty Damselfly making their maiden flights from the pool which in a weeks time will soon be back hopefully making the next generation. Although I have been lucky to spend time with this species, I make the most of every moment and always make the time to study them up close. I ended up seeing c50 Dainty Damselfly along with a few Blue tailed, Common Blue and Azure Damselfly. As ever, a superb session with this rare species. My next instalment will hopefully photo permitting feature a few Norfolk Hawkers which I went to see at Grove Ferry over the weekend. As for today (Sunday), well things just keep getting better!

Dainty Damselfly (Coenagrion scitulum) - immature male

Dainty Damselfly (Coenagrion scitulum) - female

Dainty Damselfly (Coenagrion scitulum) - immature male

Dainty Damselfly (Coenagrion scitulum) - female

Dainty Damselfly (Coenagrion scitulum) - male


  1. 'well things keep getting better'....I'm here quoting you again Marc, and too damn right, they're getting better. But truth is, I'm quite sickened by all this Marc, I've yet to see my first dragon, and yes I've visited my favoured site but no joy. The North-South divide!

    Kind Regards....Pete.

    1. Wow. No dragonflies yet for you up there. Looking hot later this week so hopefully you will be tripping over them soon. No doubt I will be getting jealous soon of your Golden ringed Dragonfly sightings. Take care.

  2. Hi Marc, I wish my foxes were as colourful and interesting as your dainties. Nice post, take care.

    1. At least you're not using lots of petrol for your Foxes. My fox seems to have stopped coming. Take care.

  3. Cracking photos as always, Marc. With the current state of my eyesight I'd have great difficulty picking this species out in the field. Only saw my first dragons of the season yesterday! All mobile and at a very great distance and almost certainly all Emperor and no photos. Went to a different location today and did slighly better with several Emperor and Four-spotted Chaser, plus probable B-t Skimmer. Only some record shots of the 4-spots however - although now testing negative for covid, feeling wiped-out energy-wise!

    Take good care - - - Richard
