Sunday, 8 August 2021

Willow Emerald Damselfly at Sunrise

It's been 5 years since I last had a few early mornings trying to catch the silhouette of a Willow Emerald Damselfly at sunrise so with this in mind and the forecast looking quite good this morning, I thought I would give it a go. I had a quick look last night at dusk to see if I could find any Willow Emerald Damselflies roosting in the grasses in the area which has good clear views as the sun comes up. I didn't have to wait too long until I found a few roosting in the chosen area and made a note of where they were as to make my job easier on my return. There's nothing worse than turning up and having set up not to find your chosen subject so I like to do a bit of homework knowing I can sleep well and not have to worry too much. I was up early this morning at 04:30am where a few minutes later I arrived in the already growing light and ventured out to the area armed with all the equipment needed. I immediately looked for my subject and found them where I had left them and a bonus of 2 Willow Emerald Damselfly on the same flower. I must confess to teasing one of them a little higher to join the other one as I thought this would make for some nice photos. With everything in place and the camera set up on the tripod and the sky looking clear, it was a case of sitting back and waiting. Just after 05:30am, the sky started to turn orange which prompted the first photos of the session and then the sun started to appear. It was then a case of firing off different shots from different angles and trying to make the most of the time before the sun was to high. It was then over quite quickly but I ended up with a few pleasing efforts and the bonus was then moving the tripod around the other side and capturing the damselflies in excellent light which I shall post in due coarse. A walk around the area for an hour produced c50 Willow Emerald Damselfly, c20 Emerald Damselfly, c10 Migrant Hawker and 1 Southern Migrant Hawker. An early start but well worth the effort for the experience again. I will sleep well tonight!

Willow Emerald Damselfly (Chalcolestes viridis) - female (left) and male (right)


  1. Brilliant is one way of describing these photos with a difference. I could add - and these are as good as it gets - but knowing you and your work, I wouldn't put money on a bet about that.



    1. Many thanks Pete. A most fulfilling session. Love being out early and photographing as the sun comes up. Take care.

  2. Your hard work and sleep deprivation were fabulously rewarded with these wonderful images, Marc. Please can I borrow some of your sunshine - it continues to be cold and cloudy, and often very wet, here. Stay safe - - - Richard

    1. Many thanks Richard. I can leave it another 5 years now until I have to get up that early again. Whilst it was a nice sunny morning, the weather down here has been anything but nice. Just have to pop out in those moments of sunshine as it's often raining. Take care.
