Tuesday, 10 May 2016

The Broad Bodied Chaser

After getting up yesterday (Monday) I looked out of the window where I could see a Broad bodied Chaser had just emerged from the garden pond. I went and got the camera and set about trying to get a few shots. Although it was quite bright, the sun was obscured by clouds and with only a little time available before going to work, I rattled off a number of photos hoping they would be alright. I opted for using the in camera flash using manual mode, ISO 400, speed set to 250 and f8 - f11. Before going to work I took one last look out of the window and noticed she had already flown off. I would have liked to capture the emergence but was just happy to capture a few pleasing efforts, my first of this species with the exuviae present. With a good number of species now present on the wing around the country, I just hope for the time to get out and make the most of the photography opportunities that come my way. I have one 'new' species I have highlighted to see this year on my radar, the rare White Faced Darter. Weather permitting, I shall be making the long trip north in early June to Whixall Moss in Shropshire with my good friend Paul Ritchie and fellow enthusiast Steve Routledge. Fingers crossed for good weather, light or no wind, quite warm, lots of White Faced Darters and plenty of photo opportunities. Is that too much to ask for!!

Broad bodied Chaser (Teneral female) 

Broad bodied Chaser Exuviae 


  1. She is an absolute beauty, Marc! How on earth these insects fit into their original skin is beyond me. Incredible series of detailed shots! Best of luck with the White Faced Darter.

    1. Many thanks Lucy. Its amazing watching tjem change colour and grow in length. A true natural miracle.

  2. More amazing captures, Marc!

    Whixall Moss, for White-faced Darter, is also on my list of places to visit this year. I'm lucky in that it is only about 80 miles from me.

    Best wishes - - - - Richard

    1. Thanks Richard. Yes hopefully going on Sat 4th June weather permitting with a few other enthusiasts. Only about 4 and a half hours for me!!!!!!!
