Friday, 18 April 2014

More 'Hairy' Encounters!

I mentioned in my post yesterday that I spent a few hours at Shuart near Reculver where I wanted to see if I could obtain some better images of the Hairy Dragonfly. Firstly I had to find some and thankfully in the sun I managed to see 3 Hairy Dragonfly, all males. I tend to find as the season progresses that this species often tends to rest higher up in the branches so hoped that as they had just emerged that they would be busy lower down and taking a few breaks in between feeding. Along with another dragonfly watcher, apologies as your name escapes me, we had good views of them flying and one male in particular showed really well allowing me to grab my best photos yet of this species. I think it was quite newly emerged as it wings were still drying out but it let me take a number of shots with the Sigma 150mm macro lens and approach to quite a close range.

Male Hairy Dragonfly

These dragonflies up close are stunners and it was nice to study this species well knowing in the next few weeks they are probably going to be a bit harder to track down and photograph. Today 18th April I made another visit to the pond in Westbere and took some more shots of the Large Red Damselflies which showed well for the camera. I shall post these in the next few days.

Male Hairy Dragonfly


  1. Oh yes, really really great photos Marc. Did you do them with your new lens?

    1. Yes Bob, with the Sigma 150mm macro lens, starting to get to grips with it now I think. As long as all dragonflies sit still I may get a few nice shots this year!!

  2. Makes me want to get this species on camera even more now Marc, cracking close ups you got there :-)

  3. Lovely shots Marc especially the hairy bits !!
