Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Getting My Daily Fix!

With the sun shining again after work I called into Westbere Lakes to see what dragonflies and butterflies were on the wing. Just inside the entrance I come across the first Variable and Blue tailed Damselflies today and 1 Peacock was busily chasing away every other butterfly that passed. I walked up to the river junction where on the way I managed to see 1 Hairy Dragonfly, c50 Variable and c20 Blue tailed Damselflies. With the temperature starting to drop now I wandered on back to the entrance where luckily a male Orange Tip was looking for somewhere to roost and thankfully it landed just in front of me. I didn't need any excuses to start firing away with the camera and managed a few pleasing shots, despite the sun going in and the light not being brilliant. These butterflies have got to be on the best for their underwing pattern, its just amazing. With a few shots in the bag I left him in peace and returned back to the car. I only had about half an hour out but that was enough of a fix to see what brilliant wildlife we have on our doorstep.

Male Orange Tip