Friday, 28 March 2014

Fleeting Friday!

With the sun shining I was out of work sharp tonight at 3.30pm where on the way to Reculver I called into East Blean Woods to see if I could find any Heath Fritillary caterpillars. Despite some warm sun I could not find any but within a few minutes of each other, I heard the 3 species of Woodpecker calling as well as a Coal Tit. Onwards to Reculver where I walked down the seawall as far as the green wall but as can be the case late afternoon here, it was pretty quiet. I only managed to see 2 Canada Geese flying west, 3 Oystercatcher, 4 Linnet, 1 Shelduck, 4 Mallard, 2 Dunlin, 4 Redshank, 2 Pied Wagtail but no sign of any hirundines yet at the Sand Martin colony, maybe the weekend will deliver some goods. Already excited about getting out on the patch early tomorrow now we are in the migration window and hopefully a photo or two, I would happily settle for a confiding male Bluethroat! Chris Hindle has started a Reculver blog which will no doubt develop into an important resource of sightings and photos in the months to come. You can visit his blog by clicking HERE:



  1. Should be a few of those caterpillars out this weekend Marc, all very exciting, whats the betting on an Orange Tip flutterng past on Sunday ?

  2. Great, Linnet, a spectacular sighting.

  3. Hi Marc, great capture on the Linnet settled on thorny perch! Have a great weekend!

  4. Great pic Marc, exciting times to come!
