Sunday 9 July 2023

Kent's Golden Wonders

With the Golden ringed Dragonfly being reported from a site in west Kent earlier in the week, I thought I would make the 45 minute drive to the location to see whether I could see any and hopefully a photo or two. This is a scarce species to see in Kent with only a few sites where they can be seen. With the forecast for sun, warm temperatures but becoming overcast, it looked like good conditions to see them in so after arriving at the site around 10:30am, I spent a few minutes watching from the bridge which overlooks the small stream. Almost immediately, I saw the first of 5 Golden ringed Dragonfly seen today as it flew just above the water towards me and out of sight under the bridge, a good start. After a bit of gardening to open up a section of the stream a bit to allow some access, I spent a while scanning the area where I saw them quite regularly passing by but initially not stopping. I moved downstream where I saw them last year and it wasn't long until I found a couple of males interacting with each other and occasionally perching up. This gave me the first opportunity to exercise the shutter button finger and a few photos were taken. A female passed through and was caught by a male and after flying around for a bit, they settled on the other side of the stream and began mating. Moving into a position on the edge of the stream and hanging on just about, I managed to take a few shots of my first mating pair of this species in Kent. They stayed together for about 40 minutes in which time a few other males had perched up, one almost too close which allowed me time to study the amazing colours and detail on this species... as well as take a few more images! 

Golden ringed Dragonfly (Cordulegaster boltonii) 

Although the site is quite small and relatively overgrown, there were also c30 Beautiful Demoiselle which I don't see in east Kent so watching and photographing these was most welcome. There were also c10 Banded Demoiselle along with 4 White legged Damselfly and 1 Large Red Damselfly seen. A fantastic few hours spent in perfect conditions at a lovely secluded site, just the sounds of nature around you. 

Beautiful Demoiselle (Calopteryx virgo) - male

Beautiful Demoiselle (Calopteryx virgo) - female


  1. Great stuff again Marc, stunning images of both species, but I didn't need to turn green this time. I'm off now, to catch up and remind myself on sex separation characteristics for the GRD's.

    Regards from the north....Pete.

    1. Many thanks Pete. Chuffed to bits to be able to see these in Kent. Take care.

  2. Fabulous shots, Marc. I'm absolutely amazed that you found that many GRDs, and to get a pair mating must have been a great highlight of the visit for you - and for us too!

    Best wishes - - - Richard

    1. Many thanks Richard. I wasn't expecting to see a mating pair but to photograph it as well, what a bonus. Take care.

  3. Wonderful stuff Marc, I would say it was well worth the trip. Take care. Mike.

    1. Many thanks Mike. Well worth it indeed. An absolute stunner of a species to see. Take care.

  4. Fantastic Marc, the Golden ringed Dragonfly and the Beautiful Demoiselle are one of this world, perfect.

    1. Many thanks Bob. Two superb species to encounter. Take care.

  5. Hello Marc, what amazing captures of these beauties. Fantastic.

    1. Much appreciated Roos and thank you for your visit. Take care.
