Saturday 1 July 2023

An Hour Well Spent

A visit last Saturday afternoon to Grove Ferry, ideally to capture Norfolk Hawkers in flight didn't quite go to plan as I couldn't really find a suitable individual that would hover and stay still long enough for a few photos. However all was not lost as I found a few perched up and after a bit of moving in slowly, a few images were obtained. I probably saw about 20 Norfolk Hawker in just over an hour. There were also a few Emperor Dragonfly, Hairy Dragonfly, Small Red eyed Damselfly, Red eyed Damselfly, Blue tailed Damselfly and plenty of Azure Damselfly. A few Four spotted Chaser and Black tailed Skimmer were also seen. I met a fellow birder down at Grove Ferry who was initially not that interested in what I was photographing but after showing him a close Norfolk Hawker, I think the eyes mesmerised him and he soon got hooked and spent quite a while from what I could see photographing them and trying for flight shots. Hopefully another enthusiast converted to appreciate them. I spent a few hours at Nethergong this morning (Saturday) with the net dipping in the 'frog' pond and along the stream. It was pleasing to find c30 Willow Emerald Damselfly nymphs, some fully grown which will hopefully emerge in the next week or so. This has to be one of my favourite times of the year, seeing the first Willow Emerald Damselfly with glistening rainbow wings making its maiden flight from the vegetation to the trees. I also managed to net 11 Migrant Hawker nymphs and 2 Emperor Dragonfly nymphs along with a few Common / Ruddy Darter nymphs. 

Norfolk Hawker (Aeshna isosceles) - male

Norfolk Hawker (Aeshna isosceles) - female


  1. A superbly productive session there, Marc, even if you didn't get the flight shots that you were hoping for. I'd be over the moon if I could get shots like that!

    Best wishes - stay safe - - - Richard

    1. Many thanks Richard. I think you will see you did get shots just like these. Yo had a very productive trip. Take care.

  2. Excellent photographs Marc. Wish I as able to get out but I have to be content with my foxes. Take care and more photographs.

    1. Many thanks Mike. I would be very content with your foxes every night. Think of a challenge to try to spice things up wit the foxes. Maybe set up a shot and see whether you can get any shots from it. Take care.

  3. Any hour is well spent when you are with wildlife, in your case with dragonflies. Thanks for sharing your excellent images and comments once again....Keep on keeping on Marc.

    My Kind Regards....Pete.

    1. Many thanks Pete. Comments like this keep me going. Take care.

  4. Beautiful photos, all beautiful in color and sharpness.
    Greetings Tinie
