Sunday 25 June 2023

'Less'er is Often More!

With good numbers of the nationally rare Lesser Emperor Dragonfly being reported (20+) at New Hythe during the past week, I thought I would have a trip up there to see if I could find any and maybe a photo or two. Having spoke to the locals and been given some areas to look in, I duly arrived this morning at 09:30 where it was already very hot. As soon as I got out of the car an Emperor Dragonfly flew by and Common Blue Damselflies were already looking for shade in the bushes. I spent the next 3 hours walking just around Brooklands Lake which in itself, is a very big fishing lake. I was soon walking up the pathway where I was told to check every fisherman's swim and sure enough, I think that nearly everyone checked seemed to deliver a Lesser Emperor. I must have seen at least 15 Lesser Emperor Dragonfly but there could have easily been more. On some swims two, three and sometimes four interacted with each other, their blue saddle standing out nicely. I only saw one pair in tandem and just as I was about to take a few shots, an Emperor Dragonfly buzzed them off. I must say in the heat of the day, photography was very hard indeed and although I ended up with a few photos, if I'm honest, I would normally have binned all of these are they are not up to much but as it's all I got, I will share them as a record of what I saw. They were tricky to catch in flight and always below and above the tree line in an instant played havoc with the settings. The couple I found perched were hard to get near and not at the best angle... but having moaned and given excuses, It was superb to see them in good numbers. It's been a few years since I have visited this place and it's brilliant for all odonata. The supporting cast today included 3 Downy Emerald, 2 Norfolk Hawker, c10 Emperor Dragonfly, 1 Brown Hawker, c20 Black tailed Skimmer, c15 Four spotted Chaser, 2 Hairy Dragonfly and hundreds of Common Blue and Red eyed Damselflies. I also collected a number of 'Emperor Dragonfly' exuviae which I will check in the hope one may be a Lesser Emperor exuviae. I still need one of the collection! 

Lesser Emperor Dragonfly (Anax parthenope) - male


  1. Life would be much easier if all the dragons were as easy to ID as the male Lesser Emperor, not that it makes much difference to me, as I'm never likely to see one. More to the point, excellent in flight shots....Soon be school hols Marc!

    My Kind Regards....Pete.

    1. Many thanks Pete but wish i had made a better job of them. Not that I'm counting the days down but...19 days! Take care.

  2. Hi Marc, I'm not good with dragonflies but I know a good photo when I see one and yours are of a very high standard. Take care.

    1. Many thanks Mike. Comments like this encourage me to get out there more and try to capture pleasing images. Take care.

  3. Just to SEE a Lesser Emperor would be a highlight of the year for me, Marc, and, although the shots might not be quite up to your usual excellent standard, they are still admirable and enviable. Well done!

    Best wishes - stay safe - - - Richard

    1. Many thanks Richard. You know me, always wanting 'that' shot. That's part of the challenge I suppose. Learn from it and move on to the next time. Take care.

  4. Beautiful flying Lesser Emperor Dragonfly, absolutely stunning Marc.

  5. Great photos! I've never managed to photograph a flying dragonfly.
