Monday 24 August 2020

Sitting at the Stream

I cycled down to Nethergong at 11am where I spent a few hours walking around the site and sitting at the stream watching the dragonflies and damselflies going about their business. It was mostly sunny with quite light winds but after a few hours the clouds rolled in and I made my way back home on the bike hoping to avoid the showers. I managed to find c150 Willow Emerald Damselfly with good numbers seen in tandem and flying up into the various trees and bushes to oviposit. Scanning the branches within the trees sometimes revealed groups of Willow Emerald Damselflies egg laying together. I spent some time sitting at the stream which has recently been trimmed and noticed a few Willow Emerald Damselflies occasionally landing on cut reeds sticking out over the water. I set up a few metres back and waited and eventually a pair landed for a few seconds allowing me to grab a couple of photos showing their lovely golden thorax colours which they develop with age.
Willow Emerald Damselfly (Chalcolestes) - pair in tandem
As I sat quite still it was nice to see c10 Small Red eyed Damselfly on the floating vegetation and even better to see them in tandem and ovipositing. I only saw them on this site last year for the first time so it was very welcome to see them doing quite well.

Small Red eyed Damselfly (Erythromma viridulum) Pair in tandem and ovipositing
Walking on I noted a few Blue tailed and Common Blue Damselflies as well as a few Emerald Damselfly and 1 male Banded Demoiselle. There were c20 Migrant Hawkers flying around in small groups like a pack of hunting wolves and a few showed well on the stream, hovering every now and then giving me the chance to try for a few flight shots with a few pleasing results.

Migrant Hawker (Aeshna mixta) - male
A very relaxing session and nice to just sit at the stream and take in everything that was going on around me. My idea of heaven! Weather permitting, I shall be back soon.  


  1. Beautiful Dragonflies images Marc.

  2. Brilliant shots, as always, Marc. It must be nearly time for Willow Emeralds up in these parts, but it doesn't look like it will be this week with the forecast weather!

    Take good care - - - Richard

    1. Many thanks Richard. I'm looking forward to many more sessions with them yet. Hopefully you will find your colony soon but as you say, this week looks a little tough I would say to see much at all. Take care.

  3. Good stuff once again Marc. Things are very bad on my patch. I havn't taken a photo in over 3 weeks. Stay safe. Mike.

    1. Many thanks Mike. Sometimes when I'm out it appears quiet. You just keep looking and looking and hope your luck kicks in. Take care.
